Total: $0000107.00

Sponsors are listed from largest to smallest donation. Sponsors donating $10 or more can include their picture. Sponsors donating in excess of $100 can include a picture and/or url.

Friday, September 28, 2007

2 Morons a Minute!

How do you write a blog about a blog when its only concept is having no concept? How do you even write the first line? Or the 2nd? Or 3rd?

Now wouldn't it appear to you, that each question posed, is answered in and of itself?

The same goes for the Million Dollar Moron! Why would anyone try to raise one million dollars with no apparent plan of action? It's just got to be done by somebody! Everything is being achieved on the internet. I bet someone could even take a red paperclip and trade it for a house! The only difference between that idea and the Million Dollar Moron, is that the paperclip is a great idea!

So how am I to succeed and save my parents' farm? The only way I know how, by blogging the nonsense out of this idea until it turns into the greatest idea ever not thought of!

The names of our 1$ sponsors will be listed in numerical order!

2 morons a minute is all we need! And we do mean Moron supporters! Thank you and stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Dude!

Shane Gibson said...


I think maybe what you're missing is some sort of social benefit or something entertaining. If you can do this good luck... but I think most will see you as an electronic panhandler instead of a social scientist like the one red paper clip idea.

Travelling Man said...


Samsun çilingir said...

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